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Amending systems to enhance business performance
According to Wikipedia, automation is the technology by which a process or procedure is performed without human assistance. Many different processes and procedures can be automated. We specialize on automation in three domains: business process automation, IT infrastructure automation and SW testing automation.
Automating a business process eliminates human errors and thus increases a service quality, enables a business process to be managed as a technical resource and frees people to do a work with a higher value add. What is our approach to business process automation? Integrating systems and data (see our integration solution) provides information. Analyzing this information enables triggering action(s) which result in another set of data. By repeating this process of receiving information, analyzing the information and invoking one or more actions we implement and automate a business process. Products we use include Drools, Red Hat Decision Manager, SAG BPM and Camunda.
By automating IT infrastructure you make your infrastructure changes not only more reliable but also easier and faster to design and implement. How to automate your IT infrastructure? By treating it as code and by using processes and tools that SW developers use, e.g. version control, continuous integration, code review and automated testing. What is our solution? We leverage our SW development and transition management background and enable your organization to automate the IT infrastructure: we design and possibly manage the transition, deploy the tools and educate your staff. Tools we use include CA Automic, Puppet, Cheff and Red Hat Ansible
SW testing automation enables running the tests constantly during a development cycle (rather than testing the code at the end of the development cycle) and it also enables for better coverage of the tested code as the test cases are derived from the requirements independent of the code development. This results not only in better quality of the code but it also makes refactoring the code easier as testing the code is a matter of pressing a button. To automate SW testing, an organization or a team has to make a transition. As part of the transition, automated testing framework has to be deployed, testcases have to be developed independent of the code and developers have to start writing the code with the testing framework in mind.

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