
When a need for a change appears …
It starts when a need for a change appears and it becomes a candidate for implementation. The desire for a change is usually powered by improving business performance (cost reduction or revenue increase or both). Other reasons for implementing a change in an organization include compliance, technology changes, crisis, mergers&acquisitions, etc.
… regardless of how big the change is …
The change can be as simple as adjusting a workflow in a document management system (DMS) through deployment of a customer relationship management (CRM) system all the way to development and deployment of a new IT strategy.
… you need a business case …
No matter how big or small the change is. We provide our consultancy service to work with you to slice and dice the change and to develop a case featuring the following information:

  1. Formal description of WHAT the problem (opportunity) is
  2. Evaluation of HOW MUCH it costs to maintain the status quo and
  3. Estimate of HOW MUCH it costs to address the problem (opportunity) and what benefits it brings
… to give the change its purpose …
This is the first step to initiate a project (or a program) delivering the change. The case answers the question WHY the change should be implemented and thus it gives a PURPOSE to the project (and to the people involved in delivering the project).
… and thus enable its succesfull delivery
In our experience, many projects do not bring a business value and fail miserably because they were poorly initiated, they did not provide a solid answer as to WHY the project was needed. We recommend not to underestimate the importance of the initial stage and to develop a solid case which justifies the investment and which answers the fundamental question “why this solution is needed?”