All clues come together…
Synthesis is the last stage of our consultancy approach when we organize all the clues collected so far to finally solve the puzzle and provide a different perspective of solving the problem at hand.
… to propose a solution …
It is a structured high-level design document that describes the solution in terms of its objective and business requirements. These requirements are derived from the information collected during the DISCOVERY and ANALYSIS phases. The information is also captured in the document and it includes (but is not limited to) the following artifacts: business process, architecture, benefits, risks, stakeholder’s map and training needs.
… that enables achieving the goal.
Designing solutions that have positive impact on your business is a must for us. Therefore we verify and validate the solution design against the goal as declared during the analysis phase. We do not release the solution design until it passes this check.
What comes next?
Having the high-level solution design document featuring the business requirements, you may run a tender to find a supplier of the solution. We will be honored if you invite us to the tender as we also deliver solutions (see our solution delivery service)